Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Tuesdays With Starbucks

Yeah, like I'm going to touch that with a ten foot pole...

New post up at M.J. Rose's Buzz, Balls & Hype about one of the most remarkable feats of pre-buzz I've ever seen.

Over the weekend, I was the recipient of a pretty amazing compliment. Bestselling author Tess Gerritsen (who's also one of the nicest and most gracious people you could ever meet), and author of the upcoming THE MEPHISTO CLUB, participated in an interview over at Murderati. Here's the question and answer that blew my mind:

Question: Tell me who would be your ideal panel mates.

Tess: Neil Nyren, M.J. Rose, and Jason Pinter. They know everything there is to know about the business of publishing. All I'd have to do is sit back and let them talk.

Needless to say I was pretty stunned to be included on that shortlist, and unsure if I was worthy of such high praise. I mean, let's look at the other people on Tess's "Dream Panel": M.J. Rose, International bestselling author and marketing guru extraordinaire. Neil Nyren, Senior V.P. and Publisher of Putnam, who's edited everybody from Tom Clancy to Dave Barry to John Sandford to Garrison Keillor. And Tess herself, New York Times bestselling author multiple times over, with who-knows-how-many books in print.

To quote Lewis Black, "And then there I am. Schmucky the Clown."

I think I know more about publishing than my 4.5 years in the industry would suggest, but to say I'm on par with three people who are at or near the pinnacle of their respective establishments is pretty trippy, and not sure if it's deserved.

But of course once Tess made that statement, we emailed, got in touch with Neil Nyren and M.J., and are organizing the "Tess Gerritsen Memorial Dream Panel," hopefully to take place at next year's ThrillerFest. If I start drooling during the panel, somebody hit me with a microphone.


Blogger Rob Gregory Browne said...

You're being modest, Jason. You definitely know your stuff and Tess recognizes that.

Great compliment. And Tess is indeed a great gal.

1:27 AM  

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