Irish Eyes Are Smiling

I'm back in London after an all too brief day yesterday in Dublin. What I saw of the city was stunning, and I hope to go back there soon for a more substantial visit. As it was, I did two interviews that went very well, including a photo shoot(!) for an Irish daily paper that should run some time in the next two weeks. The day was topped off with dinner at Fallon & Byrne with my publicity rep, two sales reps from my publisher, and buyers from two of the larger chains in Ireland. A great crew, and I learned that Irish people like to describe things they enjoy as being 'gorgeous.' (As in: "How's does your beef taste?" "Gorgeous.")
Unfortunately most of the pubs had served last call by the time we left the restaurant (apparently the real weekend begins on Thursday night), but we did manage to get in a pint of Guinness before hitting the road.
Today brings lunch with some UK newspaper folks and another round of interviews, including a radio interview scheduled for midnight. Since my body is now on Centaurian time (a 37-hour day) it should be no problem.
And this very nifty shot was taken in Eason's bookstore on O'Connell Street, the main shopping strip in Dublin. (thanks to Ian Roberts for this!)

Labels: foreign editions, THE MARK
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