Wednesday Update
A few links and smatterings, first regarding THE MARK (warning--major BSP).
I learned this week that by the end of 2008 THE MARK is scheduled to be published in close to a dozen foreign countries, with more to come, knock wood. Hopefully Israel will pick it up to make my mom happy.
Starting July 1st, an audiobook will be available on and iTunes.
I'm currently blogging on the MIRA/Harlequin website, hoping to do a bit more Q&A than I usually do here, so please check it out here.
Eduardo Chezpizza himself, Gerald So, posted his take on THE MARK here.
On July 11th, I'll be doing a reading and signing at the NY Center for Independent Publishing, alongside "Shotgun" Shane Gericke and Bill "Cujo" Cameron. Come one, come all.

Thanks to Mary Reagan, who took this shot during one of my signings at BEA.
(photo credit: Mary Reagan)
(wardrobe coordination: my wife)
On to non-BSP stuff
McSweeney's was hit hard by the PGW bankruptcy and is holding a sale to raise funds. McSweeney's publishes some fantastic writers, and there are some wonderful books on sale, so not only will you be helping a worthwhile publisher weather some hard times but you'll be doing yourself a favor as well. Click here for more information.
Check out a very cool video trailer for David Wellington's 13 BULLETS. (MAJOR GIGANTIC FREAKING DISCLAIMER--I acquired and edited this book--but if you can read the opening chapter and then put it down, you're a stronger man than I)
Congrats on the foreign and audio sales. That's fantastic -- great news, man.
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