Technological Coolness

Yes, if you buy a Sony Reader, it will come pre-loaded with an excerpt from THE MARK. Dang this is cool, and that company isn't too shabby. (thanks to Demetrius Lemons for finding this and my sister for passing it along)
From Engadget: More info on the Sony Reader PRS-505's E Ink display

Yes, if you buy a Sony Reader, it will come pre-loaded with an excerpt from THE MARK. Dang this is cool, and that company isn't too shabby. (thanks to Demetrius Lemons for finding this and my sister for passing it along)
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I finally sat down with my copy of The Mark last night. It's unfortunately slow going, because I have a deadline in two weeks, but so far I love it!
I love that Sony Reader! My only problem is that I think (I'm pretty sure?) you have to buy the books from them. Is that right? If I buy an ebook elsewhere it won't convert? Same with pdf ebooks?
(And congratulations!)
Rachel, I hear you, I'm on deadline as well. I love the current book I'm reading, but if I get 10 pages of pleasure reading a night that's optimistic.
Scribbler, thanks a ton. I haven't actually used an e-reader--something about holding an actual book just feels right--but I might give it a whirl sometime soon.
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